Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My ladies are so talented.

Since we started my ladies have made many beautiful items but one of my very favorite is the hat in the upper left. Ligia Sanchez is my most daring and for the most part all I have to do is show her a picture. I crochet and I can turn out pretty nice things but, I need a pattern. Not these ladies. Once Ligia figures it out she teaches the others. She is still the super duper flower maker and makes them for all of us to use. Now also bows and hearts. Not everything works the first time. She is working on a top, and I admit, I suggested the yarn for the bottom half since she ran out of what she used for the top part. She crocheted about 4 inches and showed it to me today and I just didn't like it so she is taking it out and changing to white. Sometimes the mistakes make us laugh a lot. Yesterday in Cartago I bought more of the beautiful yarn and matched up variegated and solid. They were looking for a nice green and there was some in one of the variegated so she was going to cut the skein up and separate the colors? When they saw the panicked look on my face and heard the panic in my voice they all started laughing and she rolled the skein back up. We do have lots of fun. We still haven't figured out when English class will be. We did just a little on the way out today.

I will be busy the next couple days making banana bread for the senior center for Friday. We had plain and with mini chocolate chips today for coffee and they thought it was great. I also want to make some with dates.

Sunday I have been invited to Ziomara's for the afternoon and hamburgers. I even offered to cook a package of bacon and bring it to put on the hamburgers. My last package! I will also bring banana bread. I am bringing some yarn to show her and see if she can get it for her shop.

I learned today I may be having visitors in May. I will tell you more when I know for sure. I am still looking for good fares to Heather's in June for a 3 week trip.

That's it. Got more dirt today and have a big planter with vegetables and one with flowers. I planted my little poinsettias, which are looking pretty bad. We will see how they do. Also planted the new plant I bought at the festival on Saturday. I sure hope my vegetables grow!

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