Friday, June 17, 2016

I know, I know, I know!

I haven't written anything since June 2nd! Part of the reason is I have been so busy having fun. Part of the reason is I have spent several days without my iPad or with very limited access to wifi. 
Let's see if I can give you a little report. It's after 11:00pm so I will see how long I can stay awake. I am in Hutchinson so I will have to work backwards to when I left Orosi.
There was some confusion over when I was leaving as I would tell people the 8th and I was actually leaving at 3:30am on the 8th. so although it was during the night it was the night of the 7th. Jose wasn't taking any chances and came a little after 3:00am so I was at the airport before southwest even opened. I was really lucky with seats on Southwest and ended up in rows 2 and 3 so I was able to get right off. I thought I might possibly be able to make the 5:00pm bus from Midway to Madison but the luggage took quite a while. I left on the 7:00pm bus and got to Madison at 10:40pm. Heather and Kent were to pick me up and I thought they were just running late but it turned out they were on the other side in another parking lot where they thought the bus would stop. When they saw the bus leave they came looking for me and we got loaded up and headed home. 
Heather and I spent the next day running around and shopping. No, we didn't go to Dig and Save. She already has 12 suitcases lined up and waiting for me and enough stuff to probably fill 5. I will only be able to bring 2 with me so I will have to be selective with what I bring this time.
Friday morning we went to pick up my car. The agent admitted in the 2 years he has worked there he had never seen a rate as low as we got. I had also signed up for membership in the car companies club and he said I qualified for an upgrade. Out came a 2017 Ford Escape, a bronze color. I just love it.  It is very roomy and comfortable.
Everything went well until I hit 694 and 94. Construction and one lane bumper to bumper. Took me till 6:30 to get to Battle Lake and dinner with Kaye.
Saturday it was into Moorhead for lunch and a good visit with Kathy Loney and then Menards to pick up lots of stuff for Kaye and Herberger's to pick up lots for both of us. We were invited to a surprise 70th birthday party in a hanger Saturday evening in Wahpeton so we headed there for a couple hours. Lots of fun and that is where I left my iPad. We called as soon as we got back to the lake and they found it. We said we would pick it up Monday morning when we came back to town.
Monday was off to visit my cousin, Yvonne and her husband Homer, who live in the Fort Ripley area overlooking the Mississippi River. 
Tuesday was lunch with three of my cousins. It was at a Mexican restaurant and they were all very impressed when I ordered my lunch in Spanish. When we left, Yvonne and I headed for Herbergers. I should never go to Herbergers. 2 pairs of sandals and 2 pair of pants. 
Wednesday morning Yvonne had an appointment so she dropped me at the Mall. I figured they would have wifi but I also wanted to stop at Christopher Banks. Two tops and another pair of jeans. Now I really didn't need this pair but they are a size 4 so I just couldn't resist. I am going to leave the tag on them. I left their house at 3:00pm and headed for Little Falls. I decided to stop and see if my friend, Charlene, was home and we sat outside and talked. It is like we have never been apart and the next thing I knew it was 6:30pm. I left and went to Sandy's in Little Falls.
Thursday there really wasn't anything I wanted to do or anyone I wanted to see so we headed for the casino. We had breakfast and decided to split up and meet again in an hour. Let's just say both our pockets were fuller when we left after an hour. Dinner was at Cabin Fever - ribs and chicken that was so good and then a visit with Dennis and Joyce. A really fun day.
Today Sandy went to work and about an hour later I headed into town to Pete and Joy's Bakery. They have the best food. I had breakfast there and bought some things to bring to Roz's house. Emilio called me while I was there and I let all the customers say Hello to him.
I spent a lot of time shopping in St. Cloud and picked up lots of goodies. Haven't found a swimsuit yet though. I stopped in Hutch and visited with Linda at the Theatre for a few minutes then off to DuWayne and Roz. I had stopped at the market in Kimball and got the sweet horseradish pickles for Linda and for Roz. Town is really busy because of the Water Festival and the Main Street Bar was packed tonight but the Crispers were great.
Tomorrow morning is the Farmers Market. Not sure about what else. I do have some funny stories that I will tell next time, but it is midnight and time to go to sleep.

They had to move their planes out of the hanger for the party.

I took pictures so Gerardo can see what Minnesota farm fields look like.

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