Sunday, April 24, 2016

It has been a busy few days.

Friday Ana and Gerardo came over and invited me to coffee at Dora's house at 2:30 on Friday. Ana demonstrated clapping and music so I knew something was going on. I had a loaf of the banana strawberry bread I made on Thursday so I was in good shape and didn't need to hurry and make something. I did include a jar of each jelly, the mora/strawberry and the mango/strawberry. I gave Dora the loaf of bread and gave Marta a choice of the jellies. She took the mango and I gave the mora to Flors. It took me a little time to figure out it was a birthday party for Ana. She was given flowers and there was a decorated cake and each of the ladies brought some form of bread or sweet. There was so much and it was all great. I also met a university exchange student who is staying with Ana for 3 weeks. Her name is Sarah and she teaches English and French. She will graduate when she returns to Pennsylvania and then go to France to teach English for a year while looking for a long term job.
Saturday morning I caught the 7:45am bus to Paraiso for the feria. When I went to call Emilio to let him know I was there, I discovered I was out of minutes so I made a little detour to the Kolbi shop to add some. Only took a couple minutes and I was on my way. I told Emilio I would start at the mora stand. I bought 3 bags and no sign of him so I continued on. I wanted to get bread for his house and mine and flowers for his mother and to welcome Kaye and lemons. The flowers were next and I got 2 lovely mixed bunches and then the bread. The young man remembered me and said figs. He is so nice. I got two loaves and along came Emilio. We headed for the empanada stand and ordered meat. I got meat and he got potato. They are all so good, nice and crispy. We got the lemons back by the bread stand and headed to his house eating as we walked.
Another big meal! Rosa had made chai mix so we had hot chai tea with lots of milk. They know I love chai. She was making tortillas and made egg tortilla and served the tortilla with some egg and a slice of tomato. After several of those we had tortilla with tahini and marinated vegetables that they are using for a new vegetarian pizza. There was also fig cake. It was all so great. I was invited to stay for lunch also but I declined as I had lots to do to get ready for Kaye's arrival on Monday. I have lots of mangoes, mora, 2 bags of strawberries so I want to make some fruit bread and jelly. The guayaba are starting to ripen so I will soon be able to make more of that.
It's Sunday evening and the house is clean. Earlier today Gerardo was here and I told him I wanted to invite him and all the ladies for coffee and bread on Friday at 3:00pm. He started sending messages and asked me how many people. I said I don't care. I have been invited so many times to Dora's house and to gatherings here and I haven't reciprocated so this will be an opportunity to do that. We don't have anything scheduled for Friday so this should be lots of fun. All the ladies bring things so I don't need to do tons of cooking. I haven't figured out how to have coffee for that many but I am sure it will all work out. If Sarah is here she can help with translating and I have asked Emilio and I will ask Jose.
We have so many fun things planned. Tuesday is Los Patios, Wednesday is an adventure with Emilio (I think San Jose and a train and Uber are involved), Thursday is massage and the craft ladies, you heard about Friday, Saturday is the feria and we will see what Sunday brings. Monday is another massage for her and off to the airport hotel. We also have to schedule naps. We are retired you know. I think it is her third time retiring.
There is starting to be a little activity around the feeder but not much yet around the bath or waterer. I have to be a little patient.

The soccer pole by my house is down! The view is now open. I didn't put this picture first so I wouldn't upset any soccer players. They take it very seriously here.

Gerardo called me over this morning and showed me a nest up in the greenery over the little apt. He got a ladder and took my iPad up to take pictures. We think they are the national bird, yiguirros, also known as clay colored robin.

That is one hungry birdie.

I rearranged the front porch and love having the love seat down there. I have one end of the hammock unhooked - that's the strap you see hanging. There is room to hook it back up when I want to use it. I have a bowl of strawberries to clean and slice as soon as I finish this.

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