Friday, May 29, 2015

My day in Madison

I started off with a long soak in the tub to help my leg and then we headed out to lunch. There is a great spot called Oakcrest Tavern which makes the best burgers and cheese curds - if you like them. We each ordered burgers. Heather's had lots of cheese, mine with none. Here is a picture so you won't think I was eating it plain.

 Absolutely wonderful. The leg wasn't getting any better so I went for a massage and some stretching exercises. A little relief but I may have to do transfer assistance tomorrow to be able to handle all my luggage and get between flights. I have 2 big bags to check, a carry on and a large tote as my personal item. I have 2 hours in Chicago and an hour in Houston and will arrive in San Jose about 8:30pm.
Time to eat again and tonight it is Indian. I really like it and we didn't have any in Hutch so when I come we always try to go to one. We each order something different and share. 
The suitcases are reorganized and ready, I have an outfit out and now it is time for some sleep.

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