Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 2

I decided to stay here another night and schedule the shuttle to Orosi for tomorrow. Early this afternoon I can check with United for my bags and that should give them enough time to deliver them here. Breakfast was great as always and I think a nap is in order as it was 3am when I got to bed and it is only 9am now. Think suitcases and fresh clothes.
I have luggage. It is 2pm and it was just delivered so I have clean clothes and will be ready to go on my way tomorrow morning. Just a little glitch. If this is rainy season, I love it. I am sitting out on a balcony with the sun shining, no bugs and warm temps. I could get used to this.
The view from the balcony. The toes are not intentional. My back felt better with my feet up.

Well let me tell you about my trip!

No problems in Madison. what a nice airport. It was raining, but that is OK as I am in rainy season in Costa Rica. When I got to Chicago and asked how far to the next gate I ended up getting transfer assistance because I would not have been able to walk that far. The hip and leg are not better. We took off from Chicago and along the way they asked if there was anyone who spoke Russian to assist the crew. That was a first and a little spooky. Then they announced that because of storms in Houston flights were not being allowed to land and we didn't have enough fuel to keep circling so we were going to Shreveport, LA to refuel. Then it was back to Houston. we could now land but flights were backed up all over so it took us quite a while to get a gate. While we were waiting I called United and booked myself on a later flight from Houston to San Jose. Now I would get in at midnight instead of 8:30pm. It actually ended up being 1:00am and I discovered my luggage didn't make it. It can't be because it looked valuable and someone else took it because it was 2 of the suitcases Heather got me at Goodwill for $2.00 each. Hopefully it will all show up tomorrow. On the flight out of Houston they also made an announcement asking for a doctor for a medical emergency. I think I need some sleep.

Friday, May 29, 2015

My day in Madison

I started off with a long soak in the tub to help my leg and then we headed out to lunch. There is a great spot called Oakcrest Tavern which makes the best burgers and cheese curds - if you like them. We each ordered burgers. Heather's had lots of cheese, mine with none. Here is a picture so you won't think I was eating it plain.

 Absolutely wonderful. The leg wasn't getting any better so I went for a massage and some stretching exercises. A little relief but I may have to do transfer assistance tomorrow to be able to handle all my luggage and get between flights. I have 2 big bags to check, a carry on and a large tote as my personal item. I have 2 hours in Chicago and an hour in Houston and will arrive in San Jose about 8:30pm.
Time to eat again and tonight it is Indian. I really like it and we didn't have any in Hutch so when I come we always try to go to one. We each order something different and share. 
The suitcases are reorganized and ready, I have an outfit out and now it is time for some sleep.

It is happening - Part 2

After an extremely stressful morning I got some wonderful helpers and managed to head out of Hutchinson about 4pm. Traffic was terrible across the Cities and with one short stop I arrived in Madison about 10:30pm. Thanks to Red for wrapping my entire load in tarps and with the webbing on top, nothing moved. I did feel like the Clampetts on the Beverly Hillbillies. Thanks to Chris and Tera for working so hard and getting me on my way. Today some last minute details - a Spanish - English dictionary and batteries for my flashlight, tonight a wonderful Indian dinner and tomorrow morning morning it is off to paradise. Maybe a soggy paradise as it is rainy season but paradise all the same.
Heather just mentioned that I said I would stay in Costa Rica as long as I could walk. I am not off to a very good start as I have sciatica in my left hip and leg and I am having charlie horses in my right leg. I may have to do transfer assistance tomorrow. Once I relax in Orosi I am sure it will all go away.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Less than a week.

It is May 24th and on the 28th me and my fully packed little truck head to Madison, WI to Heather's for 2 nights and then I fly to San Jose on the 30th. I arrive in the evening so I will stay in Alejeula for the night. I have a car and driver picking me up the next morning for the trip to Orosi. this time it is without my sidekick, Adriana as she is back home trying to find a place to live and a job so she can plan on returning to Costa Rica.
I can't believe it has been over a month since I got back. Closing up the apt has been a real chore. Heather went to goodwill and got me 5 big suitcases for $2.00 each. I have them lined up around the bedroom with all my clothes in piles in front of them. One case, or possibly two, are going to CR with me on 5/30 along with my carry on and personal item tote. I can take one or two when I go back down the middle of Sept. Heather and Kent are coming down the end of January so they will each bring one. Then I have to pack what I want to leave at Heather's to wear when I come to visit in Sept and December. Then I have tubs of things I am storing at Heather's and never taking to CR. The suitcases aren't a problem because the Tico houses have very little in the line of closets or cupboards or shelves so I will use them or give them away. The one suitcase I think I will leave at Heather's lost a wheel and has a block of wood in it's place. Wouldn't roll along very well.
Clearing out the apt has been quite a challenge. Almost no one came to the Garage sale. I am downtown and everyone seems to go to the residential areas, not downtown. I have tried several avenues but I haven't even been able to give good, new furniture away. Hopefully that problem will be solved on Tuesday. I did have the owner of an antique place come in and agree to take everything except the big furniture. Now I have to find a place to shrink wrap my foam mattress toppers. Most of the beds in CR aren't great, or they are hard so I really want to take these with me.
This will be it until I report from Costa Rica. Pura Vida.  This is my view of Library Square in Hutchinson..