Sunday, February 16, 2020

A very happy and a very sad week.

Also a very busy, hard working couple weeks. I decided the actual moving would start Monday, Feb 3. José and Gloriana and a helper with Jose’s suv and trailer and Jose’s cousin, Brian, and his small truck backed up to the house. It was my intention to move in stages, getting everything I could put away before I actually moved the cats and slept here. We definitely looked like a Beverly Hillbillies caravan going slowly down the road.

I had arranged for Emilio to come to work early and at 12:30 bring beverages and 4 pizzas for everyone to eat. I didn’t know how many people would be here helping and I wanted to make sure I had plenty.  Turned out instead Emilio brought 2 and he and Gloriana stayed and helped unpack and everyone else was busy in the afternoon so I made arrangements they could pick up a pizza and beverages at a time of their choice at the pizza shop.

Tuesday was a massage at the new house on my new massage table (a padded work bench). Worked just fine. Wednesday afternoon we moved a load of trees and plants and got started on the garden. Things are looking pretty droopy but I am watering and watching close. There are new buds and leaves so I think most things will be ok. The next door neighbor gave me a bunch of concrete blocks and I have created a planter below the peanut butter tree which is in the middle of the garden. Thursday I went to Paraiso, to the post office to pick up my new residency card. I am now a resident until December of 2022. This was all last week.

The taxi drivers are getting a big kick out of me needing a ride from my house in Orosi to my house in Rio Macho. I take the bus in, work a few hours and then take a taxi back. I also have to spend time finishing the packing and cleaning in Rio Macho. I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!

Monday evening was another big load, this time just José and Gloriana and his trailer. I stayed and worked for a couple hours and then called Luis to take me home. He came and I explained I couldn’t find my keys. We looked and looked and finally I remembered where I put keep them safe. I should never never do that.

Wednesday is going to be the big day when we all move to the new house. José will come at 8:00am. Morning feeding time is about the only time they are all in the house so I figure I will lock them in and keep them there until José comes. I have carriers to put them in. I am very worried about Dally and how he will handle the move. He spends the most amount of time outside and free and they will now be kept in the house.

Now let’s see if I can describe the Wednesday morning circus. Dally and Domingo came in but not Rain. I called and called but no Rain. I fed the other two and decided to take a shower. I am done and wrapped in a towel and I hear her. First I go to the front door and make sure no one else gets out. No Rain. So I go to the back door and check and Dally manages to get out and no Rain. I go back to the front door and she comes in but Dally is gone and I can’t go after him because I am in a towel. So, I only have 2 cats. I get dressed, Jose comes, we load more including lots more plants and away we go.

I start both cats out in the back room by their food and litter box and I figure they will hide for a while. I contact Otto, who knows the cats, and ask if he can possibly go to the Rio Macho house at 6:00am tomorrow and if Dally comes lock him in the house. He is an early riser or I wouldn’t have asked. About 6:20 I get a message he is in. I went out about 10:00 and spent the day cleaning. I don’t know what Otto said to Dally but all day he was in the house, calm and quiet. Late afternoon everything was done and Jose came and got us and the last of everything.

Now all 3 are back together. Domingo has been staying very close to me, Rain has been hiding a lot and now Dally is walking around checking everything out. Nights have been tough because for at least 2 hours they play and are crazy and keep me awake. At one point early Friday morning I heard lots of animals around and it sounded like some kind of commotion. It settled and I managed to sleep. When I got up at 6:30 to feed them I opened the doors so they can look out the screens and as I looked out there was Rain, outside. I have been so careful, thinking I had everything secure so they couldn’t get out. After I brought her in I discover where she got out and blocked it. Unfortunately Domingo had also gotten out at some point and has not been back. I don’t know why the others didn’t go when he did but they didn’t. I can’t believe how great Dally has been. Not fighting at all to go out.

The first night I locked the other two in the house and left the door to the back room open. The second night I left the cover off the screened window so they could smell or hear him. I am still hopeful he will come back but so far there is no sign of him. There is a gully behind the house and if he is finding food he could stay there for a very long time. There are many animals in this neighborhood but they are pretty much contained. Rain is very upset and I am very sad.

Roberto has been a great help and has built 5 screen doors and a screen window so the cats and I can have light and see outside. I have to make a trip to Walmart soon for cat food. Not sure it will be today as it is a cool rainy day. Good for the plants.

Domingo was afraid I would forget to pack him.

Hanging on by a fingernail

No problem. It’s tied.

On one of our trips there was a man standing on the bar to the trailer to keep an eye on everything.

A plant I inherited. I love it.

Rain wasn’t taking any chances.

The look says Mom what have you done?

My Chinese laundry. Doesn’t matter if it rains. I love the back room.

I also love my screen doors. I can have the door open and see if anyone is at the gate. And the cats can’t get out.

The peanut butter tree and planter. I know it isn’t pretty yet but it is coming along.